Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reese is 4 months!

Reese turned 4 months old on September 27th, 2011.


Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz (50th %)
Length: 24 inches (50th %)
Head: 16 inches (50th %)

She gained 2 whole pounds and has just turned into a little chubster! She has a HUGE grin now, which makes it funny since her cheeks are so big ;) She actually has rolls on her legs which I never saw on James. This month, she has been talking all the time and just started to reach for objects. She tries to hold things, but she is still not very good at that yet. Reese loves sitting in her bumbo so that she can look around.

Her longest stretch at night is 9 hours, but most of the time she sleeps only 6 or 7 hour stretches. Occasionally she will only go for 4 hour stretches...yuck! She is eating every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. I can't wait until that stretches out. Her naps range from 45 mins to 1.5 hours. She is really good about me putting her down for nap and bed at this point.

4 months

That's one happy baby!

Love those cheeks!

She will just stare at you until you smile at her....

then comes the smile...

She gets so excited that she can't keep that paci in!

Still enjoys her bouncer

Little chubby thing! :)

Big brother loves her

Big Hug!

Boy, don't they grow up fast?

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