Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

James and Kramer's first encounter.  Kramer did great and loves watching out for his new brother.

Might be on the front of the next family Christmas card?

Nonie & Pops (Justin's parents) visiting from Franklin, TN.  

Nonie meeting her 11th Grandchild.

Pops holding James.  What a wonderful name, huh?

Pops usual position with the grandkids.

James and Kramer.  This was obviously a pose, not a normal position (yet).

"The Thinker"

Meme playing with James and Anthony.

The sister's and their husbands.  Mario and Justin have birthday's within a week of each other, so we celebrated it while the whole family was in town.

First time out of the house.  Look at that happy family.


  1. YEAH! Thanks little brother for all the great photos!! Love you all and can't wait to hold little James!

  2. Oh he is so prescious! So happy ya'll are home and doing well! Cant wait to see the little man!!!



  3. thanks for putting up new pictures! he is just PRECIOUS!! I can't wait to meet him and hold him too! y'all look like naturals already! the ones of kramer and james and way so sweet!

  4. Finally some pics! He is precious! Can't wait to meet him tomorrow!

  5. Hi Mandy!! I was so jealous my mom ran into you the other day. Your little boy is precious!! I hope you are doing well!!
