Wednesday, May 5, 2010

James is 11 months!

Well, our little stinker is 11 months old now. We had been worried about his weight and saw a nutritionist this past month. She said he looked very healthy and very active! She just told us how to concentrate his formula, and she also gave us some ideas of higher calorie solids to feed James. Well, something must have worked, because this month he gained one entire pound! We are proud of this, because we are used to James gaining just a few ounces each month. He is almost on the chart now!
He is also sleeping through the night now for 9-11 hours (finally!!!). I think his weight and sleep both have something to do with the fact that James is fully on formula now because his mommy just ran out of her own milk. So we are all happy campers around here!

11 months
Weight- 17 lbs 3 oz
Height- 29 inches

(FYI, I found out that both Justin and I weighed around 18 pounds at 9 months)

He is such a cuddle bug

This month, James got to experience his first time in a baby pool.
The water was really cold and it took some time to get used to.

He loves to climb and slide!

Good daddy time :)

Mommy time

Can you tell, I don't throw him as high as Justin does?

I was painting in the garage a few weekends ago, and Justin was sitting in a chair grading papers. We put James in the stroller to eat a snack. All of a sudden we looked up and saw this! I almost had a heart attack because James still doesn't get the concept of falling.

James loves to just wander around our yard and cove. He is so curious about everything.

He loves playing with the cars that Papa Payne made.

We found James like this one day

Then he realized he couldn't figure out how to get down :)
We are working on that one!


  1. Ps... I just realized that I need to CLEAN OUT MY PANTRY!! haha

  2. You'd really have a heart attack at my house. B stands in his high chair after every meal. The seatbelt is long since gone. When he sees Ross, he sits down fast.

  3. He is so cute! Too many pictures to comment on. It's just amazing how much he changes every day!!! Love the ones of you guys throwing him in the air!!!
